Saturday, October 01, 2005

At least I'm not turning grey yet...or am I?

OK - It's been a rough week!

I have been walking to school in the dark - the sunrise is 9:04am and sunset is 8:20pm. Also, we have had snow for the last 4 days...approximately 6cm on the ground already. Today's temperature calls for a high of O degrees C.

I am having some behavioural issues in my class that are causing me great stress; however, I am getting it under control. I just have to take a step back and not let it bother me. This is not worth making myself sick over!


At Sunday, October 02, 2005 4:23:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, nothing is really worth getting stressed over unless of course you win a lottery and are getting stressed about where to spend the money first....yeah, right...I should only have that kind of stress..
It looks mighty cold in that that a recent picture?
And I thought it was cold here when the temp got down to 10..guess I won't find that cold again...haha..
Love ya


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