Saturday, October 15, 2005

Robyn's Rant

I don't understand why some people are so incredibly inconsiderate and ignorant!

You would think that when someone makes an attempt to stay in touch with people , that action would be reciprocated...hmmm...not always so.

I have spent too much time letting things like this bother me, and that is why I have to share my pet peeve with you. I have decided not to let the little things bother me any more. Maybe this seems like a little thing to you, but common courtesy is all I ask for. Attempts have been made on this end; I am not doing it anymore!

Do unto others...

This rant is soley the thoughts of Robyn and may not necessarily represent those of any other contributor to this site.


At Friday, October 21, 2005 7:22:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say that I blame you for having this rant. You would think that when people seemed so happy to see you when you were here that they meant it, but obviously it's just a big show. Phony perhaps is another way of putting it. on Anyway, I for one love reading what you put in here so don't let the ignorance of others affect your good work that you're doing. I'm proud of the work you've put into this. Keep it up and you know what, I'm even prouder of the fact that you can say what's on your mind. I wish I was more like that.

At Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:29:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I am blushing because I think you mean me?! I don't know. But life is as crazy in this classroom as it is there. I'm sorry if I don't email you as often as I should or whatever. I know for a fact Karen and I are always thinking of you and look forward to seeing you soon.

At Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:57:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

I was not talking about you or Karen - I can certainly understand the craziness of being in the classroom and all the other work that comes with the job!

I am speaking about emails and calls that have been made and are neither returned nor initiated!

Miss you! :)

At Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:01:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Robyn & Tom,
Thanks for the card and bears for the kids. They sleep with them every night. Sometimes fighting over them! This is the first time I have had a moment to open this site you created. Its great and a wonderful way for us to keep in touch and understand your life up there. You need to keep in mind that with life so crazy for many people anything that is not a direct personal e-mail is hard to fit in when time is limited. This is an insight for you guys and others that may feel your family is phony when actually we are quite thrilled and happy to see you when you are here and or hear your happenings via grapevine. For this particular moment my children are not tearing the house apart, fighting, biting or trying to get my attention while I do something that does not involve them. This is a rare moment. Then there is grocery shopping , laundry and tidy up which occurs 15 times a day, daily drop off and pick up at children's school's. Opss , I forgot feeding them, bathing them and potty training. You get the idea. Case in point, while I just thought my kids were safe and happily playing they were actually standing on the back rest of a living room chair trying to open the window which has a 10 foot drop outside.
Isabelle just peed on the kitchen floor after taking off her diaper. I air lifted her to the toilet where she finished, she promised she was finished and then peed in the living room. My "free time is over".
Best luck fighting the weather & flu. I had a severe case of the flu for 2 weeks and was on a inhaler and medication. Then the kids caught the tail end of it and have been home sick also for the past 1.5 weeks. Get he shot if you haven't already. My doctor pointed out that most people think a bad cold is the flu and that real influenza kills hundreds of people every year.
I'll keep an eye on the site but you can always drop the kids and us a personal note that we can directly reply to.
Keep warm & healthy.
Love Ricki & the Rascals


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