Sunday, October 23, 2005

Time flies when it's the weekend!

Well, another week has come and gone! - Is it the holiday season yet?!?!

I won't complain about the weather (yet). It has been fairly sunny and very mild here over the last few days (+7 yesterday). I have been de-stressing lately - this means I have not been on-line because I have been laying low/hiding out/chillin'/relaxing - just plain trying to stay healthy in mind and body (I may be failing the latter; however, I am trying some COLD F/X that was suggested by a friend...I will report on it when Tom and I have come to a conclusion on the results of this new-found drug.)
Tom has been feeling "stuffed up" and I have had aches and pains all over my body for 4 days now. Some friends started a nasty cold/flu this same way last week - so I am willing to try anything to avoid it! Flu shots are being given on Tuesday at the school for all staff!

It was a nice, quiet weekend here. We had some friends over last night and stayed in today...ahhhh...peaceful!

The days are getting significantly shorter now - Sunrise is 10:31am and Sunset is 6:47 pm.

I will add more this week, but for now I will be getting things ready for tomorrow and getting to sleep early.

Bye for now!


At Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:04:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know why I haven't seen you on line...I hate hearing that you're not feeling well, but with the weather up there I guess it's unavoidable...I guess you have to get used to it..(yuck yuck yuck)...I'm happy though that you had a nice relaxing weekend...Gee, I'm happy you have this least I know what you're up to..
Well, my back is kind of sore right now and I'm kind of tired I'm going to go to sleep now, or at least try to..and you guys...get better and stay better..and that's an order from the mom and mom-in-law...(and I'm sure you want to keep the old in-law happy now don't you)...GOSH I MISS YOU GUYS...


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