Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Coming in 3s

Here is some information about me...and like all good things, they come in 3s.

3 smells I love:
- Freshly baked bread
- Apple cinnamon (apple pies baking, warm apple cider, pot pourri)
- Fresh laundry
3 smells I hate:
- Strong perfume
- BO
- Tom’s running shoes

3 jobs that I have had in my life:
- Certified Coffee Agent at Second Cup
(I actually write an exam in order to get this title)
- Telemetry Technician for Ducks Unlimited
(I followed around ducks with radio transmitters surgically implanted in their bellies)- Day Camp Director
(Ran a Nature-Based Day Camp at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre)
3 movies that I could watch over and over:
- Something’s Gotta Give
- The Shawshank Redemption
- High Fidelity
3 days of fond memories:
- My wedding day
- An almost fishing trip with my family
- Sitting by the river in Linsday with Tom and a Tim Horton’s coffee
3 jobs I would love to have:
- Wildlife biologist
- Outdoor/environmental educator
- Anything 9-5
3 places that I have lived:
- Leask, Saskatchewan
- Calabogie, Ontario
- Lindsay, Ontario
3 things I like to do:
- Go for nature walks
- Go for drives
- Cook
3 of my favorite foods:
- Sushi
- Loaded baked potatoes
- Chinese food
3 places I would like to be right now:
- In my own log cabin/home on tons of acreage
- In Ontario
- Hanging out with my cat(s)
3 favourite colours:
- Brown
- Blue
- Green
3 favourite things to wear:
- New pink top
- Brown and blue shirt
- Brown earrings
3 websites that I visit daily:
- My email accounts (www.yahoo.ca)
- Some Blogs
- Real estate sites (www.mls.ca)
3 things that make me cry:
- Onions
- Sad movies
- Watching the news
(Honourable mention: My job)


At Wednesday, October 04, 2006 6:23:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I'm your mom and should know everything about you..reading this new entry made me realize that I don't know everything and found this very interesting.

Thanks for keeping me updated and for making me smarter today than I was yesterday.

Love ya

At Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:15:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very impressed with all your likes and dislikes. I have a question. When did the family almost go fishing? Anyway I am looking forward to the day when you guys come home permanently and we actually do go fishing.


At Sunday, October 08, 2006 10:52:00 a.m., Blogger Arctic Fox said...

The almost fishing trip was about 6 years ago. The whole family got into the car and went for a drive, I don't remember where, but I do remember taking some fishing rods and some live worms. I remember taking a rubber worm out of the tackle box and putting it into mom's hair while dad was driving (Now that's entertainment!!!!). We never ended up going fishing, but I do remember it being a nice day spent with the entire family.


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