Friday, October 06, 2006

First Snow of the Season (and this is late!)

We had our first snow yesterday! It was late coming this year, too! Last year our first snow was early September and our first big dumping occurred on September 28th and lasted through the (long) winter until May. The year before the big dumping was October 1st. Tom keeps repeating, "We're on borrowed time!" I knew that, but I still didn't want the snow yet! The good news is that it was gone by early afternoon, which means the mud was back! There are 2 seasons here - the snowy season and the muddy season (OK - there is a 3rd season consisting soley of dust...dust on the ground, dust in the air, dust in your eyes, etc...but when that dust gets wet, we have mud - and lots of it!) Although the mud is a pain, I still do not want snow yet. I am not ready for the cold. I would like a nice, warm, dry long weekend, and the same goes for all of next week when I am participating in a conference and walking back and forth between my school and the high school.
I would like our first snow-free thansgiving!

Weather update for those of you still toasty warm:
Inuvik Currently Observed at: Inuvik Airport 6 October 2006 4:00 AM MDT
Temperature 1°C
Humidity 97 %
Yesterday: Max Temp. 2.4°C / Min Temp. -2.6°C
Regional Normals: Max Temp. -1°C / Min Temp. -8°C
Today: Sunrise 9:25 Sunset 20:00

I hope all of you enjoy a warm and Happy Thanksgiving!


At Friday, October 06, 2006 6:11:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well just to keep you updated, it hasn't been that great here either...rain, wind, damp, cold...
ALTHOUGH they are calling for a high of 25 C. for one day this weekend and back to rain on Thanksgiving day....

But, at least there's no snow YET.



At Sunday, October 08, 2006 9:59:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there.....

Happy Thanksgiving...

Enjoy the day.

Love you both

At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:49:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work and keep writing your updates. They are very enlightening. Happy New Year and Happy Thanksgiving. Did you catch a turkey or a whale for Thanksgiving dinner? Whatever I hope you enjoyed.
Love Pops

At Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:52:00 a.m., Blogger Anvilcloud said...

TG weekiend was really, really nice here near Ottawa. On Sunday it must have got up to 20C or very close to it. We're back to cloudier and cooler weather now -- 6C and rainy this monrning. I think that snow, at least in real form, is still a month away.

At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:15:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't have any snow yet...thank heavens for that....but today it's pouring, dark and dreary...but I guess it's better than snow....

There's lots of snow north of us and Buffalo got 2 feet....lucky them.

Nothing new in this end of the's probably more exciting where you are...

Are you in a deep freeze yet?

Well my dear...keep us posted on your activities....I always love coming in here and reading what you have to say...and this weekend I think I'm going to experiment with my blog and try to add something exciting.....(like I lead such an exciting life)....

But I'm going try to do it.

Love ya sweetie

At Thursday, October 26, 2006 6:02:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Updates are now due......


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