Thursday, January 04, 2007

100 Things About Me

Happy New Year!

Many people out in Blogland have done a '100 Things About Me' list. I decided to hop on the bandwagon and do one of my own. At first I thought there was no way I could even come up with 100 things, but it wasn't that hard.

1. I would love to take a road trip with my husband.
2. I love sushi.
3. No matter what they think, I am the most adventurous person in my family.
4. I love am infatuated with ducks.
5. I am often lonely in a room full of people.
6. I was on a game show.
7. I love shooting our my .22
8. Many people have told me I am "NICE"
9. I would love to go canoeing and camping with my husband.
10. My brother and sister think I am a nerd. To be more specific and to quote my brother - a "nature nerd"
11. I played the clarinet in school.
12. I can't read music, but I can follow along if I write the notes underneath the lines.
13. I love to wear brown.
14. I don't close my eyes completely when I blink.
15. I won a Beauty Pageant in my younger years.

16. My favourite alcoholic beverage is a frozen strawberry margarita or daiquari.

17. I enjoy making Tom laugh.
18. Spring is my favourite time of year.
19. I hold a restricted and non-restricted firearms licence.
20. I wear glasses for distance.
21. I need them more in certain light.
22. I am afraid of spiders.
23. I always ask for the window seat on a plane.
24. In elementary school I would try out for singing parts in plays but I never got a singing part.
25. I usually got a very small talking part or the part of emcee instead.
26. I am looking forward to owning a home and property in the near future.
27. But I will probably pass out from spending that much money!
28. I turned white-as-a-ghost when I signed the paperwork to buy my car.
29. I was on a talk show.
30. I am an angry person.
31. I am a negative person.
32. I think I come by these honestly.
31. The day we were married! I wouldn't change anything about our wedding day.
32. When I find a grey hair, I remove it.
33. I HATE the beach!
34. I always look at the prices when I go to a restaurant.
35. Often my choice is based on this information.

36. I hate being 'shushed' when people are watching TV
37. I loved working in retail!
38. I wish I could run my own small kitchen and giftware business .
39. My favourite flower is the gladiolus.
40. I once grew them in my mother's backyard.
41. I wanted them for my wedding bouquet but everyone else said no.
42. I bought my wedding dress from eBay.
43. I have only used eBay once.
44. I still bite my nails.
45. And the skin around them (I know it's gross).
46. I like watermelon (on occasion), but I hate watermelon flavored food/drink.
47. I sometimes say stupid things.
48. I usually regret them later.
49. Then I feel guilty.
50. This causes anxiety.
51. I love eating bagels with cream cheese and lox (smoked salmon).
52. This is even better when served with tuna, chopped egg, pickled herring, etc.
53. When I am angry I (literally) bite my tongue.
54. I hate shopping.
55. I need complete darkness in order to fall asleep.
56. I wanted to be Wonder Woman when I grew up.
57. Now I just want to fit into her outfit!
58. I never liked green olives until I had them on pizza from Dante's.
59. Now I love green olives.
60. I am not fond of black olives but will tolerate them in certain dishes.
61. Kalamata olives, especially in greek salad, are delicious.
62. I have a weird blotchy tongue (called "geographic tongue").
63. I like to snack on popcorn (air-popped or microwaved kettle corn).
64. I once sat on a swan's back so someone could give it a shot.
65. I remember the address of the first house I lived in.
66. Chocolate milk makes me happy!
67. I don't like background music when I am trying to work.
68. I have been beading a pair of slippers for over 2 years.
69. I love tuna sandwiches.
70. I had my gallbladder out in October of 2003.
71. I will fight (hard) for what I believe in.
72. A duck bit me when I was a toddler.
73. I have lived in 2 provinces and 1 territory.
74. I like cheese melted or on crackers, but not (usually) on its own.
75. I am 'Scent-Sensitive'
76. No one else cares!
77. I am bitter!
78. Contrary to popular belief, I have a good sense of humour.
79. At my heaviest I weighed an embarrassing 190 pounds.
80. I would like to be 130 pounds again!
81. I tend to be somewhat sarcastic.
82. No, really?!
83. I am terrified of job interviews.
84. I am good with money.
85. I got my first detention in Grade 2.
86. Now I give them.
87. I once looked after a family of orphaned skunks.
88. I never cook without making a (big) mess.
89. Reality TV sucks!
90. I am an instigator.
91. I wish my MIL and FIL would make more of an effort.
92. I hold grudges.
93. I wish I could change, but I can't, so I won't.
94. I am sometimes overly sensitive.
95. I can go an entire day without having a drink (I am a camel).
96. I get headaches regularly! (Can you see a correlation?)
97. I enjoy a good specialty coffee.
98. I had my first and only hangover at the age of 23.
99. The 'Wonder Woman' phase has passed and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
100. I learned a lot about myself while writing this.


At Thursday, January 04, 2007 6:27:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow....this was so interesting....although I knew a lot of them, even I was amazed at a few...

You didn't mention that you have a terrific memory....that's evident..

Love ya...

At Thursday, January 04, 2007 4:40:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite my regret for clicking on the link for #62 and my jaw dropping in surprise at #79, I can say without uncertainty (especially after reading #87) that this is just 100 more reasons why you are a ball of awesomeness.

Cheers my dear!

At Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:30:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was so mush fun to read!! I think I am going to steal that idea for my myspace intro! You Are funny!

At Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:31:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was so mush fun to read!! I think I am going to steal that idea for my myspace intro! You Are funny!


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