Saturday, January 20, 2007

Gone where neither of us has gone before...

...the squash court!

I was asked if we wanted to join some friends to attend a Squash Clinic held at the Rec Centre last night. (Much to my surprise) Tom agreed to attend the clinic. They were taking people in groups of four and we thought it wise to go at the same time as other beginners. Unfortunately, by the time I called to book a spot, we could not go at the same time as our friends. We did however sign up for the next available time slot.

In preparation for the clinic our friends asked us if we wanted to try playing before the Clinic, so we did. On Wednesday night we headed to the court to try our hand at the sport for the first time. That crazy little ball does not bounce! I am also a weakling! It took all my strength to get that ball to reach the wall and bounce back over the line where I served. But I tried, and that's what counts. I am also trying to lose some weight (yet again) and get back in shape. I have been going to the gym during my lunch hour 4 days a week and got back to the swimming pool (finally) on Thursday night. With the return of the sun my energy level increased significantly - and it helps that it started to warm up again (if you can call -22C warm).

I must say, Tom is more athletic than he looks! He was all over the court and hits hard! I was also incredibly stiff after playing on Wednesday, but not him (grrr...). I am still stiff today but feeling much better. I will also admit that I enjoyed playing - it was definitely a better workout than walking/running (for short bursts) on the treadmill for 25 minutes. *I hate the treadmill* I think we will play again - it was fun, we got exercise, and it's not too expensive to play. I am not sure what people pay in the south, but it's $12/hour to rent the court and an additional $5/person if you require equipment (racquet, goggles, ball).


At Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:43:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...Wow and Wow....

You do amaze me.....
Trying new things...

Way to go you two...

And you know me, I don't get impressed too easily...(do I?)

At Monday, January 22, 2007 8:02:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought of something....when you come back you can play at Howie's condo..they have squash could have a four-some...You, Tom, Howie and Dad....

At Monday, January 22, 2007 11:24:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being as observant as I am....I was scrolling along the homepage and came across something very was a word...and it was in brackets...very cleverly done and you thought I would never see it....hahahahaha...can't get anything past this lady.

What does (hopefully) mean?

Love you two...


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