Sunday, January 14, 2007

Minus 49

Here are the fireworks pictures I promised. The fireworks were great, but there are only so many pictures you can take when it is -34C outside. The first reason is that the life of any batteries at this temperature is shortened to a small fraction of its normal life, the second reason is that flesh freezes in a matter of seconds! (My poor little fingers! - OUCH!)

Well, we have had our first taste of winter since early January, in fact, the temperature dipped to -38C on Friday and the wind chill made it feel like -48C - that's right...-48 degrees Celsius! That night our dog friend came by to say hello (along with another dog). If you look closely you can see the frost on her fur and the ice on the fur under her mouth. You can also see the frost forming on the outer door to the apartment.

Here is a table I copied from the Environment Canada website to show the weather conditions over a number of hours on Friday, January 12, 2006:

Time Conditions Temp.Wind Chill
(C) (C)

22:00 Clear -34 -45
21:00 Clear -34 -44
20:00 Clear -35 *
19:00 Clear -34 -47
18:00 Clear -35 -48
17:00 Clear -34 *
16:00 Clear -36 *
15:00 Clear -36 -47
14:00 Clear -35 *
13:00 Clear -36 -47
12:00 Clear -36 *
11:00 Ice Crystals -38 -49
10:00 Clear -37 *
9:00 Ice Crystals -38 *
8:00 Ice Crystals -37 *
7:00 Ice Crystals -37 *
6:00 Fog Patches -38 *
5:00 Ice Crystals -38 *
4:00 Ice Crystals -39 *
3:00 Ice Crystals -39 *
2:00 Ice Crystals -38 *
1:00 Ice Crystals -38 *
00:00Ice Crystals-37 *


At Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:30:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The frost on the door is scary. It reminds me of that know, the one with Jake Gyllenhall and the frost comes in and chases them until they get to the library? Gosh, I can't remember the name. Anyway, frost creeping in your home is scary.

At Sunday, January 14, 2007 11:29:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pictures are nice.....

I think you two will be coming home with the dog....(remember your sister did that from Vancouver)

I don't know how you two stand those temperatures....I freeze at Zero.....(my poor old bones)

I give you two a lot of credit.

(P.S. I'm going to start being more alert...Chasing Daylight beat me twice in a row....)

Love you two


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