Monday, June 08, 2009

No longer in the North

We're back in Ontario

Friday, May 18, 2007

This week has been for the birds!

This is a close-up of male snow bunting I took a few days ago.
Yesterday Tom and I went for a drive and, while watching a hawk, this beautiful owl flew beside the truck and landed in a nearby tree. (I have to double-check on the species)

This interesting fellow (either a merlin or kestrel) was spotted outside our apartment this morning looking for a tasty treat (bunting-flavoured snowios).

This raven built a nest just outside of the boys' bathroom window at the elementary school. I hope that snow doesn't melt or that next might slide off the roof before the eggs hatch.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day 2007

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there! Hope your Mother's Day is filled with warmth and joy! (and not like our snow-filled -12C Mother's Day)

May 13, 2007
Snow Buntings resting on the roof of the house next door.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm Back...with Pictures

It's been a while and I am sorry! I have been incredibly busy finishing up yet another course and going on overnight field trips to the PINGOs in Tuktoyaktuk and to our school tent site for a trapping session.

Here are some pics of what we have been up to...

This is from my class trip to see the pingos in Tuk. I am standing at the top of a pingo in this picture. It was especially difficult to climb to the top with my bronchitis/asthma-related illness. Thank goodness I brought a Crazy Carpet up with me!
We spelled out the word PINGO with our bodies. I am the part of the G that differentiates this word from what would otherwise be the word 'pinco'.
In an authentic igloo on the shore of the Arctic Ocean.

Along the road on the way home from Tuk. I love the view along the Ice Road.

The snow is finally beginning to melt!

We went to Aklavik for a few hours with some friends. Their Jamboree was going on so we had some food and met up with this snow fellow.

Aklavik is also the site of burial for the Mad Trapper. For more information on this story, read The Mad Trapper of Rat River: A True Story of Canada's Biggest Manhunt by Dick North

View of the Richardson Mountains up close. (We can see these from Inuvik)

Along the route home from our day trip to Aklavik I decided to explore the deep snow with my 'nephew' - Sir Gunther Snowdrift (I just call him Gunther!)

Feel free to come up for a visit and we'll take you on a tour! I have to admit that I love the geography of the North!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Passover - Interactive

Virtual Seder Plate

Get your own Seder Plate at ChaiSpace!

ShaBot the Jewish Robot celebrates Passover with 50 Cent

Seda' Club -

(Sung to the tune of Margaritaville)


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A to Z

A to Z about me (a little meme I found)

A- available? No. Very much spoken for!
B- best friend? sorry, can't say (in the witness protection program)
C- cake or pie? Not a frosting fan, but there is this one chocolate cake I love!!! But apple crumble pie is my favourite!
D- drink of choice? Chocolate milk. Coke.
E- essential item I use every day: Tylenol!
F- favorite color? Browns - different shades
G- gummy bears or gummy worms? Worms!
H- hometown? Thornhill, Ontario.
I- indulgence? Chinese food. Cashews.
J- january or february? Neither
K- kids and names: N/A
L- life is incomplete without? Hugs and kisses!
M- marriage date: 07/31/05
N- number of siblings: 2 (a brother and a sister).
O- oranges or apples? lately oranges.
P- phobias or fears? Spiders.
Q- quiet or loud? I need it to be quiet for working and sleeping!
R- reasons to smile? My husband's smiling face, cute babies, first birds of Spring
S- season? Spring!
T- tag: Anyone who wants to do this.
U- unknown fact about me: I am an open book.
V- vegetable you don’t like: Green Peppers
W- worst habit: Nail biting.
Y- your favorite food? Sushi (I miss sushi!!!!). Greek. Steak. French Onion Soup.
Z- zodiac? Pisces.


Monday, March 19, 2007

33 Trips Around the Sun

Today I am 33 years old. There, I said it. I am not 29 for the fifth time. I can admit it - I will not be having children by the time I am 30. The good news is that I don't look or feel old. Although the dry arctic air has not been kind to my skin, I don't look like I am a day over, well...29.

This past weekend we had some friends over for a BBQ. We had delicious steaks, asparagus, and baked potatoes on the BBQ. For dessert, we had delicious chocolate fondue - MMMmmm! It was so good!

Tonight we all went out for Chinese food and then came back here for dessert. My friend ordered a gift for my on February 8th, but it hasn't arrived yet. My wonderful husband knew that I wanted a felt wall-hanging, so he went to the local store and saw one he liked. The same one caught my eye in a store a few months ago. I am not sure if he even knew this, but I have been trying to get the artist in to teach my class the technique of producing this type of art. Here are some pictures of the wall-hanging:

As promised to some of you over the phone, I am also including pictures of my big mess! Enjoy!

You just have to have a sense of humour about these things!

Look at the way it hangs from the cupboard!

We have very high ceilings (at least 10 feet). Look at the spots on the wall above the artwork.

That is a picture of the ceiling with my special angel food cake batter stucco.

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