Friday, May 18, 2007

This week has been for the birds!

This is a close-up of male snow bunting I took a few days ago.
Yesterday Tom and I went for a drive and, while watching a hawk, this beautiful owl flew beside the truck and landed in a nearby tree. (I have to double-check on the species)

This interesting fellow (either a merlin or kestrel) was spotted outside our apartment this morning looking for a tasty treat (bunting-flavoured snowios).

This raven built a nest just outside of the boys' bathroom window at the elementary school. I hope that snow doesn't melt or that next might slide off the roof before the eggs hatch.



At Saturday, May 19, 2007 10:59:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What beautiful birds...

Gosh you see more up there than I see down in this big old place...

Your camera takes great pictures...and I enjoy seeing each and every one of them.

Love ya both


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