Saturday, February 10, 2007


I try to be a good person, so why is it that these things keep happening to me? OK, not only me, but why do these things keep happening? I know that things could be a lot worse, but sometimes it just feels like the world is against you!

On Thursday, February 8th I felt like going home at 3:30pm, but felt that I should stay and prepare for the sub that would be in my room on Friday afternoon while I was in meetings. I could have done this in the evening, but I decided to stick around because the Recycling Club had sorted and counted the recycling during the lunch hour and I thought it would be a good idea to take it to the depot after school. I waited for my chauffeur (AKA my wonderful husband) to pick me up at about 5:15pm. We loaded up the truck and drove toward the depot. I told him that I would like to stop at the Royal Canadian Legion because they donated money to my basketball teams and I had to stop in to pick up the cheque. He asked if we should stop their first, but since the recycling depot closed at 5:30pm we went there first. We then went back to the Legion and I asked Tom if he wanted to come in. I was surprised he say yes, but we weren't in a rush and since he knows the manager and some of the other people who spend some time there he came in with me. We were in there no longer than 10 minutes and came out to find that someone hit our truck and took off. The front end on the passenger side was damaged and there were truck parts laying on the ground. The signal light was hanging down and only works intermittently now. Husband rigged something up to hold it in place - it's not pretty, but it's functioning (sometimes).

OK - So that's not that bad, but get this...

My sister called me a few hours ago to let me know that my car, the car that she is driving while I am up where sometimes I think proverbial hell has frozen over, was involved in a similar accident. It turns out that while she was at work last night, someone smashed into the passenger door of my car and, once again, took off! She's not sure if the door can even be opened because she is afraid to try it in case it doesn't close again.

What is wrong with people? Is there anyone out there who is honest anymore?


At Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:17:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie...I'm starting to wonder that myself....but......

It takes all kinds to make a world...too bad that they aren't all the good kind...

Would be nice, but I think that only happens in fairy tales..

About the car and truck...what's unfair is that the innocent person gets the brunt end of the deal...having to take the car for estimates and being inconvenienced while it's being fixed...while the guilty person is not inconvenienced in any way....

Is it fair? No....but it's's the world we live in...

Things will get has to...

Love ya my sweet one...

At Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:05:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love reading about your many adventures -- I find it so interesting...

But I'm sure there's more for you to report on...keep it coming sweetie...

At Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:06:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love reading about your many adventures -- I find it so interesting...

But I'm sure there's more for you to report on...keep it coming sweetie...


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