Saturday, February 10, 2007


I went to work yesterday morning to find that they finally replaced the ceiling in my room. They had not complete the work, but the big job was done.

All this came to be after our meeting with the WCB doctor after school on Tuesday, February 6th. I quoted the doctor about the safety "provided that the conditions are met". Everyone there knows the conditions had not been met yet as they were still working on sealing the cracks, etc. Once again I was left with mixed messages. What I got from what he said was that my room was not safe yet. Other staff members told me that if I knew the room was unsafe and allowed students in it, I could be help responsible. I don't think that would have been the case, but why put myself or my 22 students at risk? I came in on Wednesday morning and asked the Principal for her advice. She suggested that I call the Superintendent, so I did.

First call (direct line) - no answer or voicemail
Second call (Board Office main line) - asked for Superintendent and got his direct line - once again, no answer or voicemail
Third call - (Board Office main line) - told them I needed to speak with Superintendent and could not get through on his line. I was informed he was on the phone so I let her know that I really needed to speak with him and left my name
Waited...waited...waited...then the bell rang. What was I supposed to do?

I decided to NOT take these kids into the classroom until I heard from him or until something was done. I used the empty classrooms of other teachers during their prep periods for the morning. During my prep I went down to talk to the Principal and she told me that Superintendent called her to see what I wanted. Superintendent still has not contacted me even though he was in the building yesterday. Unimpressed! Anyhow, she called WCB for me and Senior Safety Man and he said it was her call. Then she called Public Works and asked them to come and tape up the door or do something to stop any air flow between the rooms.

During the lunch hour, someone came with duct tape and temporarily 'fixed' the problem. The following day they came to start on the ceiling! At least the Principal is looking out for us.


At Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:25:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow..sure took long enough....
Nice superintendent .. couldn't even have bothered to speak to you...nice guy

Honestly, people have to get sick before things get done...luckily you were after them....although I still don't think it's fixed as though it should day it'll get done properly.

I'm happy though that you stuck to what you thought was right...good for you..

Love you sweetie


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