Sunday, November 27, 2005

Into the darkness...

It has been a little while since this we have posted anything because we have been pretty busy - nothing really exciting, but busy nonetheless. By the way...a belated happy birthday to my father...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!!!!

Tom and the rest of the high school staff are finally allowed to move back into the high school after spending 3 months spread out around town. I have been busy marking school work, plannind busy days for 24 hormonal students, writing report cards, and preparing for parent-teacher interviews. Now that all of that is done, we can relax for a change.

We have had some cold days! Last weekend went down to -38C with a wind chill of -43C. Since then we have had more snow and nice, mild weather (-15 to -25).

Our days are getting significantly shorter now -
Sunrise - 12:18pm
Sunset - 3:07pm

Feel free to check our weather and sunrise/sunset status at:

You can also take a peak at our town at the following web site:

We are both looking forward to our break in December! We are staying in Inuvik for a quiet and relaxing holiday season.


At Friday, December 02, 2005 8:56:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank heavens you I have something new to respond to. Whenever you write something in here it's so informative. I just wanted to say that I miss you two so very much, some days more than others....I just love you both so much. I sincerely hope you both have a nice relaxing vacation..I know that it's truly deserve....well, looking forward to your next installment so I can write again. Love you....


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