Sunday, December 04, 2005

December already!

The holiday season is soon approaching. There are 7 more teaching days before the "Christmas" Break. I understand that the Ontario schools go until the 23rd of December - we finish on the 16th. Not to worry teachers, we return to teaching on the 3rd!

The reason we have so few teaching days left is that we have a half day on Wednesday due to afternoon staff/committee meetings and no classes on Thursday and Friday due to rescheduled in-service days (postponed from November). Next week we have regular classes until Friday at noon - when most teachers catch a ride to the airport to travel home for the holidays. Sounds nice, but it is a busy time for us!

My friend and colleague, Carolyn, and her family moved away yesterday. Her husband was transferred to Paulatuk, about 400 kilometers east of Inuvik. We have had a few get-togethers for her and for another friend whose husband has been transferred to Yellowknife (both men are RCMP officers). I looked up the cost of a flight to visit Carolyn - $850 (roundtrip) for the 1 hour flight. There is also a staff luncheon put on by the Social Committee at my school (1 guess who the Chairperson of that committee is!) with a "Secret Santa" Gift Exchange - good thing the Jewish woman has some holiday spirit or none of this would take place! There is also the December school assembly that is put on by the Grade 6 students this month and the "Christmas Concert" on the evening of the 15th. I took on the December Assembly so I could introduce students to the variety of holidays celebrated across the cultures during the month of December.

Tom also has a staff dinner and I was invited to a party at the home of parent of a student in my class. What a busy time of the year!

As for the weather today and status of the sunrise/sunset:

Temperature: -31 degrees
Sunrise: 1:11
Sunset: 2:20 - no, really!

As I am writing this, Tom and I have the TV on. We don't have cable and only get 2 channels: CBC North and APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network). We have been watching the news on CBC and just noticed that County Canada is doing a piece on the "most northerly highway" - the Dempster! This is the highway that ends in Inuvik! What beautiful scenery! I am envious that Tom was able to do the drive and see everything that he saw along the way, including moose, Dahl sheep, caribou, Walmart, ptarmigan, etc... I wish we had a blank tape so we could record this!

Well, I should be off now. Tom and I have some grocery shopping to do (by the way, the milk is still $7.99 for 2L) and I have to do some marking and prepping for this week.


At Sunday, December 04, 2005 1:01:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really really interesting. Sorry to hear that some of your friends have moved on but with the use of Internet you'll be able to keep in touch. It certainly is a busy time of the year for you, but think, in just a few days you'll have a few weeks of very well deserved rest. Take it easy and enjoy it.

At Sunday, December 04, 2005 1:39:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you two!
Okay - - the next time I feel the urge to complain about how early it gets dark these days...I will remember you and say zip!

Thanks for the updates luv!


At Monday, December 05, 2005 7:20:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for sending your blog again.
its so amazing what the two of you are experiencing. thanks for sharing. Happpy holidays from us!

At Monday, December 05, 2005 7:20:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for sending your blog again.
its so amazing what the two of you are experiencing. thanks for sharing. Happpy holidays from us!

At Friday, December 09, 2005 2:19:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing an amazing job. I would never know how to to anything like this. Keep up the good work. I love you guys. I miss you guys so hurry home and I will speak to you soon.

At Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:14:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, another update is due...I love reading this and sending you comments...By reading what you're up to makes me feel like you're not so darn far away......way way way too darn far...

At Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:49:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys....I am a little late reading as I have not gotten to the computer lately. Anyways it is great that you both get this nice long x-mas break. Must be nice being a teacher. (LOL to Robyn
) I love you both and miss you a lot. COME HOME SOON!

At Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:26:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

was looking forward to updates in here..but guess what? There aren't hoo....


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