Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Update


I have told it is time for me to update this Blog, so here it is!

Here is the story of my trip home:

My flight was scheduled to leave Inuvik at 1:48pm so we arrived at about 1:15pm. As we walked through the door they we doing a final boarding call for my flight. Apparently they changed the schedule for the summer flights but we weren't notified. Oh well, I hate long goodbyes! Tom and I said a very quick goodbye and I boarded the plane.

Canadian North feeds its passengers very well! After take off they served lunch. I had pasta shells stuffed with seafood (salmon, shrimp, and crab) as my main course. This came with cooked vegetables, a fresh salad, a bun, and creme brule for dessert. Beverages were also served. We then landed in Norman Wells. After about a half hour stop, we left for Yellowknife. In Yellowknife, we had to de-plane to go through security. I then had to wait for an hour to get on a different plane headed for Edmonton. I got on the plane and was served a turkey club sandwich with another salad and dessert.

Well-fed, I arrived in Edmonton at approximately 6:30pm. I had my luggage by 7:00pm and found my way around the airport. I was taking the "red-eye" flight to Toronto (leaving at 1:00am) but they would not check my baggage until 2 hours prior to the flight so I decided to leave my luggage with short-term Baggage Storage so I could get a few hours of sleep before my next flight. As I was heading there, I noticed that a few flights heading to Toronto were 'delayed', so I called Tom and asked him to check my flight information on the internet. As it turns out, my flight was CANCELLED!

I was so glad I did not go to sleep!!!! I quickly headed upstairs to the Air Canada counter and told them about the predicament I was in. The lady there was terrific! She spent quite a while trying to get me on a flight to Toronro, but they had either just left or were not available. She could, however, get me on a flight to Vancouver where I could change planes (yet again) and be in Toronto for 6:00am. I took that option and we were all set - or so I thought!

I put my luggage on the security conveyor belt and it went through the x-ray machine. The lady then wanted me to open the luggage (which had a lock on it). She scanned the luggage, I locked it again, and the lady who helped me get on a flight grabbed me by the arm and we ran through the airport. She took me to the front of the next security line where I had to open my laptop computer for them. Once I was finally through security I was sent to the gate where they were holding the flight for Lil' Ol' Me. The man at the gate even called out to me as I ran up to see if the person they were holding the plane for was finally there. I got on the plane and we were off to Vancouver. I must say, having never flown over the Rocky Mountains before, they were absolutely breathtaking! When I landed, I saw the sun set for the first time in a month, and it set over the Rocky Mountains - it was beautiful! After watching the sunset, I sat in the airport for over an hour and waited for my fifth and final flight of the night. I board the plane at last and had the most crowded and unpleasant flight of my life!!!! The four hours seemed like 12 and the lack of sleep was getting to me.

When I finally landed I was ecstatic! I headed to the baggage claim area where I met my lovely sister. She entered into the "Passenger or Authorized Personnel Only" area to meet me - what a girl! I prayed for my luggage to be there. I didn't think it would show up because I got on that plane so late in Edmonton, but sure enough it showed up - will wonders never cease? (My apologies to Air Canada for doubting them).

Since arriving in Toronto I have been very busy, but I miss my hubby more than anyone can imagine!
I have been busy:

- with a very sore neck (those muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories have not done anything!) - WAH!
- starting and completing Developmental Reading Part I (additional Qualification course for teachers) - YAY!
- planning and Anniversary getaway
- shopping for Anniversary / Birthday presents
- visiting friends / family...

I am looking forward to heading to the airport again on Saturday to pick up Tom in time for our 1 year Anniversary on Monday. I will update more later.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

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