Sunday, October 29, 2006

October 2006 in Inuvik

These pictures were taken at the "Top of the World Sporting Association". Tom and I managed to get ourselves positions on the Board of the Association. I am the Secretary and Tom is a Director. These pictures were taken at the shooting range just outside of town on October 7th, 2006. As you can see, there was no snow at the time - in fact it was very nice out! I don't want to worry my family at all, so I will let you know that I took the Firearms Safety Course for both non-restricted and restricted firearms and I am fully licensed to buy and use these firearms. By the way, because I am sure you are all wondering...I am a pretty good shot, especially for a city slicker!

We went out for a drive today (Sunday, October 29th, 2006) to get out of the apartment. The temperature was about -12 degrees C while we were out. You will notice that we did get some snow (about 5 inches). In the top picture, Tom is getting back in the truck after we took a walk to the lake where our water supply comes from during the summer months. The next picture is from the top of the Marine By-pass Road (exiting the driveway of the Hidden Lake Water Treatment Plant). You can see the Richardson Mountains in the distance.

We tried to upload a few more pictures but it's not working right now. We should go get some things done, but before we go there are a few things we would like to say...

1) Congratulations to K and D on the birth of their beautiful baby boy!
2) We wish a very Happy Birthday to Kacey (October 9th), Sister (October 28th) and Brother (October 31st)
3) Happy Halloween


At Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:38:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable pictures....they're super....

My daughter with guns...hmmmm....I'm going to have to be on my best behaviour when you get back....

These past few years really have been quite an experience for obviously have done things and seen things that others can only think's pretty darn amazing...

When I look back to my past, as a child, growing up and even now....I have led the most uninteresting boring life....oh I say, it can't get worse so obviously it can only get better.

You will have memories to last a lifetime...with all the places you've lived, worked at and experienced in your young life, it's an experience many of us or rather most of us will never do...

Down the road you will have so great stories to tell your children and grandchildren...

Love you


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