Sunday, November 12, 2006

Still Here -> In Survival Mode

I just wanted to post today to let you know that we are still here. I have been busy assessing and evaluating students and starting my report cards, catching up on some readings and an assignment that is due today, thinking up new ways to 'manage my classroom', planning a staff luncheon (which was was very successful!), etc...

I also took a WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Train the Trainer course. This means I am now a certified trainer. I hope to use this by maybe training the high school students before they go out on their job placements. I am qualified to teach at the high school level as well, so every little bit helps (especially when I start begging for an Ontario teaching job for September 2007).

Well, I better go. I have to stop reading over my assignment and just press "Send" to make it go away - then I can concentrate on report card comments (that 'Social Skills' section about respect and listening skills is going to hurt! - them, not me)


At Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:35:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Course after are a very brilliant young woman. Very proud of you sweetie...

With all your credentials you really shouldn't have to do too much begging and if you do, then they're nuts.

Smart and beautiful, there's no doubt in my mind who you take after.....your mom of course....right?

Love ya


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