Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today I had a parent call in to complain about me to the principal because I wouldn't let her (disrespectful, lying) daughter (I'll call her "Rude Girl") go to the Halloween Dance. I called her and she asked if we could meet after school. I said yes and suggested that she bring "Rude Girl" with her. She agreed to this and then showed up at 3:30pm but her daughter was nowhere to be found. She figured her daughter left.

We spoke for about 25 minutes when when another student came into my classroom to ask me a question. When the student saw the girl's mother she mentioned that "Rude Girl" was downstairs. Mom asked where and the girl told her she was at the dance. The mother said, "Oh, she's in the office..." and then stood up to leave. The girl repeated "No, she's in the dance."

#@*% - I went downstairs and had another teacher haul her out of the dance. I asked her why she was there and she said "I forgot". This girl knew perfectly well she wasn't supposed to be there. You know what I think?! I think that mom was sent in as a diversion so that her precious "Rude Girl" could go to the dance! Either I am paranoid or these parents are worse than their rude and incredibly disrespectful children. - Hmmm....they must have learned the behaviour somewhere!!!!

Welcome to the daily 'stuff' we as teachers are forced to deal with!


At Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:20:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just shows you....the apple don't fall far from the tree...

It takes all kinds....and the worse part is....what are these kids going to be like 15, 20 years from now...that's the sad part....

Makes you wonder....

At Thursday, November 02, 2006 8:43:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and somewhere at the beginning I thought teaching was going to be all about..teaching.

I don't know. We're so good and don't deserve what is thrown at us. I really can't do anything but shake my head.

Love you, stay above it all.


At Friday, November 03, 2006 6:59:00 a.m., Blogger Arctic Fox said...

Thank you Jo for putting a smile on my face before I have to go back 'There' today!


At Friday, November 03, 2006 10:54:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys!!! WOW Rob, I'll totally watch myself around you!!! Was the fire arms in any way connected to the much needed release of the "rude girls" of the great white north?

I love the sleek look of your blog!! Ckeck out this really cool woman who does great blog designs. I like to spread the word about her. I'm having her do some work for me on a web site project.


I'll be checking in often to hear about "rude girl"....xox Rick


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