Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Traces of ASBESTOS

I have been exposed to trace amounts of asbestos at work. So what does this mean? Well, it means that close to 450+ children ranging in age from 2 (at the day care) to 13 have been exposed to it as well. They tell us not to worry because it is below the detection limit of 0.01 fibres per ml of air. Although this is under the acceptable for Canada and the NWT, the fibres have been disturbed which means the tiny cancer-causing beasties are floating about. I have read about it and according to Health Canada, repeated exposure is not good.

The Workers' Compensation Board Sr. Safety Officer seems concerned about it, but the Risk Management and Safety Specialist from Public Works and Services seems to disagree, along with the Superintendent of our School Board. So why are they telling the Principal to hide it from the parents? And why did they have to have an Action Plan in place by a specific date? In addition, we had a staff meeting on Friday afternoon telling us that every crack and hole in the building would be sealed (with caulking) by the end of the weekend.

Being in the old science room, my classroom has two smaller rooms off of the main room. The room behind my desk was the old darkroom. There was definitely old water damage visible on the ceiling (um...can you say mould?!), but there is also a gaping hole. The ceiling looks like it is being held together by a wooded board put up before I started teaching in the room one and a half years ago.

I heard the WCB Safety Officer and the Superintendent were in the building so I found them and showed them my room. Superintendent told me to close the door and not go in the room. OK - will do (or not do, as the case may be) - but this is my large walk in closet that I keep my coat in so the little hoodlums don't steal my wallet. I also keep my gym clothes in there (no one needs to get hold of my sports bra!) Well, I was told it would be done by the weekend, so no problem...I took my personal things out of the room and left.

I went in on Monday and it still looks like it does in the pictures above. I told the VP and he called the Department of Public Works. I then proceeded to call the Superintendent. He told me that they couldn't get it all done. Funny, I have 40 witnesses who heard him say that my room was a priority and would be done right away, along with our Server room which had vermiculite insulation (containing the asbestos) literally falling from the ceiling. The guy doing the work came to my classroom a few hours later and apologized. He told me it would be done that night. It is now Wednesday and it is still not done! The Principal told me yesterday that they would be drywalling the entering ceiling but it would have to wait for the weekend. I am not looking forward to cleaning the mess I know they are going to leave after they finish the job (if they ever start it!). They left a mess in my room when they came in just to caulk around the ceiling.

What does this mean? - "Based on these results, it is our opinion that there is no significant health risk to the occupants of this building provided that the following conditions are met:"

Let's analyze that sentence, shall we. "provided that the following conditions are met" to me means that we shouldn't be in the building because it is not safe until the conditions are met. These conditions include:

1. All vermiculite insulation that has escaped from the ceiling cavity (attic
space) is contained and removed.
2. All openings in the ceiling that may
allow the vermiculite insulation to escape and contaminate occupants'
environments are sealed.
3. BLAH...BLAH....BLAH....

Um...I know for a fact that #2 was not done! In fact, #1 was not done either according to the WCB Safety Officer - this is why he still has the NO ENTRY posting on the door to the Server room.

Is this safe? Any thoughts? I am shocked that no one has contacted our Union yet!!!!


At Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:25:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think YOU and the Children should not be in that room until it is taken care of..and the room gets a "Clean Bill of Health"

I would think that someone would have had the brains to close off your room until it was completely taken care of. Doesn't make much sense to put people at risk.

You're good at this..keep nagging until it's done....

They're hiding stuff from parents because they know perfectly well it's unsafe.

Just be careful....

Love you..


At Friday, February 09, 2007 7:01:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another new yet on this issue....
Keep us posted...

Love ya


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