Monday, March 19, 2007

33 Trips Around the Sun

Today I am 33 years old. There, I said it. I am not 29 for the fifth time. I can admit it - I will not be having children by the time I am 30. The good news is that I don't look or feel old. Although the dry arctic air has not been kind to my skin, I don't look like I am a day over, well...29.

This past weekend we had some friends over for a BBQ. We had delicious steaks, asparagus, and baked potatoes on the BBQ. For dessert, we had delicious chocolate fondue - MMMmmm! It was so good!

Tonight we all went out for Chinese food and then came back here for dessert. My friend ordered a gift for my on February 8th, but it hasn't arrived yet. My wonderful husband knew that I wanted a felt wall-hanging, so he went to the local store and saw one he liked. The same one caught my eye in a store a few months ago. I am not sure if he even knew this, but I have been trying to get the artist in to teach my class the technique of producing this type of art. Here are some pictures of the wall-hanging:

As promised to some of you over the phone, I am also including pictures of my big mess! Enjoy!

You just have to have a sense of humour about these things!

Look at the way it hangs from the cupboard!

We have very high ceilings (at least 10 feet). Look at the spots on the wall above the artwork.

That is a picture of the ceiling with my special angel food cake batter stucco.

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