Saturday, September 24, 2005


We have been back in Inuvik for about a month now and we are finally settling in. It has been a rough start to the year with:

  • Tom's contract not being extended
  • The high school being shut down (it was deemed "unsafe" the weekend prior to school starting") and the school board trying to figure out what to do with 400 students and staff
  • Tom being told he may have a position
  • My classroom being used for meetings of up to 50 people and not being cleaned up
  • The local moving company backing into Tom's truck
  • 175 high school students and staff move to the elementary school and space has to be found for all of them (displacing many teachers, losing our library, etc...)
  • Having numerous students with behaviour 'challenges' in my class
  • Tom and I have both had some form of body and mind-draining flu-like illness
  • We both just want to start a life for ourselves in Ontario

We are both feeling better now and enjoying the weekend! I have some work to do, but I intend to rest and relax this weekend.

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