Saturday, December 24, 2005


Last night we had some friends over and I have to guess that I will never win the "Hostess of the Year" Award! I felt a headache coming on around 6:30pm. By the time our guests arrived at 8:00 it turned into a full-fledged headache (First 2 extra strength acetaminophen caplets...) with someone sticking a knife into my right eye...jabbing, jabbing...then came the nausea! Wonderful - a MIGRAINE!
I sat quietly for a while, trying to talk to people. Once in a while someone would turn to me with a concerned look on their face and ask if I was alright (I mentioned a slight headache earlier on, but I guess the whiteness of my skin gave me away!) I went outside to get some air (...enter the 3rd and 4th extra strength acetaminophen caplets...). When I came in I sat down for a few minutes. Then I got up (...Tylenol 3 with codeine!) and went to the bedroom.

Tom soon came in to check on me. I apologized profusely but I couldn't get up! Tom was a gracious host...handing out coffee (but mostly beer) to anyone who had an empty hand. Despite his best efforts, it was an early night for the guests at Chateau Charbonneau! Our friends had to go home early to finish their Christmas wrapping.

The good news, I woke up at 11:00pm feeling as though I had slept for 12 hours! No headache, no pain, as far as migraines go, it was a 'good one' - just bad timing! However, this also meant I didn't sleep very well last night.

Why am I bored? Well, Tom has had back pain for over 2 weeks now, and I finally convinced him to see a doctor. The doctor gave him pills that knock him out for hours on is 2:45 pm and the man has been sleeping for about 13 hours now. I should check to see if he is alive soon. UPDATE - I checked and it turns out he has been awake but immolibized...oops!

By the way, we haven't received any Christmas/Chanukah presents through the mail yet (although we hear there are quite a few boxes somewhere between Arkansas and here, Ottawa/Arnprior and here, and Thornhill and here...) - so if anyone sent Tom a chiropractor it will be greatly appreciated when he/she arrives!

What else can I say? Well, we were out yesterday and took a few pictures of a great Christmas display outside of a house here in town! It is definitely an appropriate arctic display!

Well, I better go because I have to get ready to head to a pot-luck dinner this evening.



At Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:07:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, you two sound like two OLD married people...hahahhaah....but at least you're feeling better....
I'm sure your company understands and will come back again when next invited....
The pictures of the houses are really good...check out the lights at (if that doesn't work try lindsey as lindsay...(e to a)...that's the house off Lauraleaf...well, I got the kitties a XMAS/CHANUKAH gift...some little mice (one for each)...(in 2 minutes Oscar will have lost them ALL)...hehehhe
Anyway, should go down and check on what's up down there..
Love you guys.

At Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:09:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

update time....that's the only way I know what's going on with you two...i come in all the time (not like everyone else) and I want ya!!


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