Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Hello again - and Happy Chanukah to those of you who are still celebrating (Oh, how I wish I had an affordable potato or a way to make latkes!!!!)

I was just playing around on the computer and decided to post some information on where we live.

For those of you who would like more information on Inuvik, here are a few more web sites for you to visit:

1. This web site will take you through panoramic pictures (virtual guide books) of areas in and around down, as well as towns north of here (Tuktoyaktuk) and south of here down the Dempster Highway (to McPherson). Use the blue buttons to take you to the previous or next picture for a trip north or south of Inuvik. Please note: these pictures seem to be quite old.

2. This is a web site linked to the library that describes the history of Inuvik.

"This presentation is a collection of pictures and information on the Town of Inuvik. From its earliest conception through to its modern day state of existence, the Town of Inuvik has had an interesting and exciting history. Originally conceived as a relocation for Aklavik, the Town of Inuvik soon took on a life of its own and has expanded and grown to become what it is today."

3. Highway Information

4. Travel and Tourism site for the Northwest Territories (for when all you chicken #*&%'s get off your butts and come for a visit)

5. Tom's new place of employment
- The Town of Inuvik


At Friday, December 30, 2005 7:41:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if Canada Post didn't suck big time then you'd be able to make some latkes..(hint, hint)...guess it'll be late, but better than not having them at all..yummy yummy in your tummy...Anyway, you've given some great info here...and I'm going to read all the links..I find the place interesting...and if it weren't so darn #$#@$## cold up there, maybe I'd come..oh yeah, and so darn *^#^#&&$^# expensive...
Well, I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge with all this new stuff I'm going to be reading.
Love you guys and still missing you...each day I seem to be missing you more and more...


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