Wednesday, May 31, 2006

More pictures of the break-up

I will email video I took of the break up if you would like to see it. Requests can be made through email or in the comments section.

This first picture is a close-up of the same car shown in my last posting - 1 day later! (Click on any picture for a better look)

Here are five pictures taken of the Mackenzie River on May 28th. These pictures were taken at 5 second intervals. Look at the log in the centre of each picture. It was incredible to see the large chuncks of ice flow past us at such a high rate of speed! (Little wonder Aklavik is flooded and had to evacuate!)

This last picture is one of my favourites - you can see the Richardson Mountains in the background past the Mackenzie River and Big Lake.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Is spring finally on the way?

Hello all

I know it has been a while but I haven't felt much like writing recently. I became inspired yesterday at the sight of something truly remarkable!

Before I describe what we saw, I will give you a brief update of life since my last post.

I spent a weekend in Yellowknife coaching the Girls 12 and under team for a SuperSoccer Tournament. Another teacher and myself took 11 girls to Yellowknife for 4 days/3 nights to play soccer. The girls played great and came in 3rd place! Go Inuvik! This was a great experience for me, both to explore Yellowknife and to get some coaching practice. The city was beautiful and we had amazing weather! I also got to taste Tim Hortons coffee again!

Also, I am proud to say that Tom was promoted to Development Officer for the town after working there for only 5 months - CONGRATULATIONS!

Tom and also bought a cap for the back of the we can go camping.

Now, for my reason for choosing this time to write again...

On the evening of Friday, May 26th Tom and I took a drive down to the boat launch to take a peak at the ice on the river. The chunks of ice were huge, but there was no movement on the river. An abandoned car can be seen just past the slightly flooded area of the boat launch in the picture below.

The following pictures were taken later in the day on Saturday, May 27th and at mid-day on Sunday, May 28th:

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