Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Parent-Teacher Interviews Tomorrow...

Wish me luck!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

New Addition to the Family

The Annual Christmas Craft Fair was held this past weekend. It is a huge event with people from all over the North coming to sell their traditional crafts. This doll was made by the grandmother of the head custodian in our school (a grandmother herself!). She actually wasn't selling it in the craft fair, but she brought it in the school to see if it would sell. These dolls sell for at least $150 in the fair and are only going to increase in value after these Elders are gone and there is no one left to make these traditional dolls.

This is a traditional parka. I have seen many women wearing coats very similar to this.

The fur around the hood and the bottom of the traditional parka is wolverine according to the custodian, but we think it's beaver. Either way, it is sewn on by hand and looks just like the real parkas the women wear around town. Underneath the parka is the second layer. This is usually made of a thick felt-like material.
Under this layer is a pair of pants and a shirt. The mukluks (boots) are either made of fox or martin.

I don't remember what this is called, but it is worn by many people over their coats. Large hand-made mitts (usually fur) are attached to the end. This braided cord is used to keep your mitts handy at all times. (Remember when your mom used to braid yarn and feed it through the sleeves of your coat? This is similar only it's more gaudy.)

I Yarn for Thee

I love knitting! I don't know what it is about it, but it's my escape from the world of whining, disrespectful students (and staff). I love going to the weekly Stitch 'n Bitch! Some of the other ladie refer to it as "Craft Night", but we know the truth, don't we!

I have only worked on squares and rectangles so far - scarves and dish clothes (some fancy ones too!), but I will be trying a hat in the near future...wish me luck!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Any Opinions?

I read this story on


Montreal gym riles Jewish group

The Park Avenue YMCA in Montreal has become the flashpoint of a clash between an ultra conservative Hasidic Jewish group and a parade of spandex-clad female exercisers.

Still Here -> In Survival Mode

I just wanted to post today to let you know that we are still here. I have been busy assessing and evaluating students and starting my report cards, catching up on some readings and an assignment that is due today, thinking up new ways to 'manage my classroom', planning a staff luncheon (which was was very successful!), etc...

I also took a WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Train the Trainer course. This means I am now a certified trainer. I hope to use this by maybe training the high school students before they go out on their job placements. I am qualified to teach at the high school level as well, so every little bit helps (especially when I start begging for an Ontario teaching job for September 2007).

Well, I better go. I have to stop reading over my assignment and just press "Send" to make it go away - then I can concentrate on report card comments (that 'Social Skills' section about respect and listening skills is going to hurt! - them, not me)

Friday, November 03, 2006


I am:
addled, agape, aghast, appalled, astonished, astounded, awe-struck, awed, baffled, befuddled, confused, dazed, dazzled, disconcerted, dizzy, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, floored, flustered, giddy, lost, misled, muddled, mystified, perplexed, puzzled, rattled, reeling, shocked, shook up, speechless, staggered, startled, struck speechless, stumped, stunned, stupefied, surprised, taken aback, thrown

by the behaviour of the students in my class!

Thank you to - Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1), edited by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD.Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

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