Thursday, October 27, 2005


We would like to wish Jodi (28 on October 28th) and Howie (30 on October 31st) a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope all your birthday wishes come true!!!! Sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you - hopefully we will be around next year!



Today it Thursday, October 27th, 2005 - and we are home from work because the schools in Inuvik are closed due to blizzard conditions!

Here are some pictures taken through our web cam out the window of our apartment.




Sunday, October 23, 2005

Time flies when it's the weekend!

Well, another week has come and gone! - Is it the holiday season yet?!?!

I won't complain about the weather (yet). It has been fairly sunny and very mild here over the last few days (+7 yesterday). I have been de-stressing lately - this means I have not been on-line because I have been laying low/hiding out/chillin'/relaxing - just plain trying to stay healthy in mind and body (I may be failing the latter; however, I am trying some COLD F/X that was suggested by a friend...I will report on it when Tom and I have come to a conclusion on the results of this new-found drug.)
Tom has been feeling "stuffed up" and I have had aches and pains all over my body for 4 days now. Some friends started a nasty cold/flu this same way last week - so I am willing to try anything to avoid it! Flu shots are being given on Tuesday at the school for all staff!

It was a nice, quiet weekend here. We had some friends over last night and stayed in today...ahhhh...peaceful!

The days are getting significantly shorter now - Sunrise is 10:31am and Sunset is 6:47 pm.

I will add more this week, but for now I will be getting things ready for tomorrow and getting to sleep early.

Bye for now!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Robyn's Rant

I don't understand why some people are so incredibly inconsiderate and ignorant!

You would think that when someone makes an attempt to stay in touch with people , that action would be reciprocated...hmmm...not always so.

I have spent too much time letting things like this bother me, and that is why I have to share my pet peeve with you. I have decided not to let the little things bother me any more. Maybe this seems like a little thing to you, but common courtesy is all I ask for. Attempts have been made on this end; I am not doing it anymore!

Do unto others...

This rant is soley the thoughts of Robyn and may not necessarily represent those of any other contributor to this site.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


We are very happy with the wedding photographs we received in the mail. We would love to share them all with you, but for now one will have to do due to the size of each file.

Lots of love,

Tom and Robyn

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


OK - I know I am going to pay for this, but I have to do it.

You see, I received my Driver's Licence in the mail yesterday, and to say that on it is the 'World's Worst Picture' would be an understatement! My loving husband was with me when the picture was taken, so when I asked him about my hair, he said it looked "fine". So, to all you married women out there...I am guessing "fine" really meant he didn't even glance in my direction, right? So, in light of the situation, I decided (since I have to live with that horrid picture until March 2008) I will share some of Tom's more embarrassing pictures with you.

Feel free to leave Tom a message about anything or everything you see.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I wish all of my family and friends a new year
filled with much health and happiness!

Shana Tova!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

At least I'm not turning grey yet...or am I?

OK - It's been a rough week!

I have been walking to school in the dark - the sunrise is 9:04am and sunset is 8:20pm. Also, we have had snow for the last 4 days...approximately 6cm on the ground already. Today's temperature calls for a high of O degrees C.

I am having some behavioural issues in my class that are causing me great stress; however, I am getting it under control. I just have to take a step back and not let it bother me. This is not worth making myself sick over!

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