Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's been a while, but I'm back!

I have to apologize for not updating this Blog since the first of March - I can't believe it is already April!!!! I have to assume we have been very busy over the last month, otherwise I have no good excuse for not writing - the problem is that I don't really know what we were busy doing!

Let me think...OK - Last time I wrote I was leaving for Edmonton. I went to Edmonton for 4 nights and assumed that we would have spring-like conditions - not so! We had snow and very cold days with strong winds. The conference was mediocre but I did manage to attend a couple good workshops; however, the highlight of my trip was going out with some friends to some great restaurants and eating food that was a 'normal' price. We went to a great Japanese restaurant (I was craving sushi!). I never did get my sushi - however we did eat upstairs at the Teppanyaki area in the restaurant.

In Japanese, teppan means an iron plate or a steel sheet, and yaki mean stir-fried food or stir-frying. Teppanyaki is stir-fried meat or seafood and vegetables cooked and eaten off a large, table-top grill. The large teppan, including the surrounding counter from which we ate, seated 8 of us while we watched the chef prepare our meal on the grill in front of us.

"Teppanyaki chefs, even more than bartenders, have ample opportunity to
demonstrate their skill. The flashing tools of their trade are a knife, a fork,
and two metal spatulas. In spectacular displays of dexterity, chefs cut, stir,
season, and divide each diner's portion onto plates on the teppan. As the food
is prepared on the same surface that keeps it warm, meals are served as soon as
they are ready. Teppanyaki has to be eaten leisurely. The chef only works on one
course at a time; there is no rushing him. Watching the chef adroitly wield
cooking tools over the shining teppan is fully part of the meal."

(Conrad Oust

We had a great meal and enjoyed the show! I also did a bit of shopping while in Edmonton - and for those of you who know me well, a bit really is a bit! While others had to purchase an extra piece of luggage to bring back to Inuvik, I came back with some essential products, such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, contact lens solution, etc...Now don't get me wrong, I did manage to purchase a beautiful, full-length wool coat, a sweater, and a few pairs of earrings, that was nothing in comparison to what I saw!

OK - enough about my Edmonton trip!

When I returned to work I was VERY BUSY finishing my report cards. Once these were done and I could relax, my body gave up the fight against all of the colds going around. I ended up sick and had to stay home from work for 2 days. This is not something I would normally do but my body needed it! I know this because I slept from 10:30pm one night until noon the next day, and then again from 3:00pm-5:00pm. I soon recovered and went back to work in time to get ready for a substitute teacher to take over my classroom for another week while I stepped in as Acting Vice-Principal again. This was a busy and hectic week as it was the week of our Science Fair and Parent-Teacher Interviews. This also meant that report cards went out and that MANY computer-related report card problems had to be dealt with. I also had to deal with problems from within my classroom (I will discuss these privately). What a week - but I survived!

As far as our weather goes, the month of March definitely came in like a lion (well, it was like a lion in mid-March) and went out like a lamb! The weather actually dipped down to a very uncomfortable -44 degrees C with a windchill of -52 degrees C (lucky for me that was one of the days I was home sick!).

Our sunrise this morning was at 7:04am and our sunset is at 8:54pm! I am already having trouble sleeping in later than 7:00am as the sun starts shining in our room...I will take care of that for tomorrow morning!!!!

My Spring Break doesn't begin until next weekend so I am anticipating a long week ahead; however, I will definitely enjoy it and revel in it when it does finally get here! The Muskrat Jamboree begins next weekend and we are both looking forward to eating Eskimo donuts and barbecued caribou burgers down on the Mackenzie River. Tom and I also want to buy some Muskrat Jamboree merchandise [since his hat was stolen last summer ;) ]. I wanted to buy a hooded sweatshirt last year but there were none left by the time I got there - so this is my chance.

We were very excited to receive a short video of our beautiful niece a couple days ago. After having some movie-viewer problems we were finally able to view the movie last night. The last time we saw her was at our wedding, 8 months ago. It's amazing to see the change in her and to realize how much we are missing being so far away - but technology realy is great, isn't it?!

Tom and I were out with friends today at Cafe Gallery - that's's a coffee shop/picture framing establishment! - Really! That's what it is! (They also make very good, yet expensive, muffins ($3.00) and sandwiches ($10.00).) Afterwards we went for a short drive and then to buy gas for $1.31/L.

Well, my bread machine just beeped so I better go shape my buns (hee hee). Before I go, here is a picture of me 'playing' the accordian. Believe me, it's a good thing there is no sound!


At Saturday, April 01, 2006 8:48:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iam happy to finally have an update from you. This is where I find out what's going on in your life and from the sounds of it, you and Tom seem to be enjoying it up there and doing a lot of great things. This surely is an experience that in years to come you'll be happy you were able to take a part in it. I wish I was able to do what you are doing. Nothing new here although we did have a beautiful week, weather wise. I'm back to work and after the first two days of my long trek down there it doesn't even feel like I was away, but I realize how much I absolutely hate making that journey. The other night it took me 2 hours to get to John and Bayview. I was exhausted and bitchy by the time I walked in the house. I must win that dam lottery!!!! I've just about had enough of these daily journeys. Anyway my beautiful daughter, I'm really happy you finally got to write in here. I love reading this.
Love you both.

At Monday, April 03, 2006 7:16:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robyn, you are an amazing person. I don't know where it came from, but I dont believe myself for sure or your mother would ever have been able to do the things you have already done in your life, let alone the things I can only imagine will be in the future.
Love you and will speak to you soon. P.S. received your info.

At Monday, April 03, 2006 8:40:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dad is took me #$@@ years to be able to go anywhere past the city limits by myself...let alone trek up to the wild blue yonder to live....I may not mention this too often to you...but I'm real proud of you and your accomplishments...(YOU MUST SIMPLY TAKE AFTER YOUR MOM)..HAHAHA

At Saturday, April 08, 2006 3:05:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's here....the school you're happy....guess the next update will be all about your vacation adventures....can't wait to read it.

Hey son-in-law....I would like to read something you may write in here as well....(just a thought)


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